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    Where is TXNM Energy's stock traded?

    TXNM Energy is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TXNM.

    How can I invest in TXNM Energy?

    TXNM Energy's common stock can be purchased through our PNM Direct Plan or through a stockbroker or a financial institution that offers brokerage services. For more information on the PNM Direct Plan please visit our section PNM DIRECT PLAN.

    How do I change my address?

    Promptly notify Computershare when you move so that your account records can be updated: 1-877-663-7775

    Who is TXNM Energy stock transfer agent and how to do I contact them?

    P.O. Box 30170
    College Station, TX 77842-3170
    Phone: (877) 663-7775
    Web site:

    Does TXNM Energy have a direct stock purchase plan?

    Yes. It is administered by our transfer agent, Computershare. For more information on the PNM Direct Plan please visit our section PNM DIRECT PLAN.

    Where are my stock certificates?

    Most TXNM Energy's shareholders hold their stock in "street name" (i.e. with their broker or with the transfer agent) and do not receive stock certificates. If you would like to request a stock certificate be mailed to you, contact your broker or Computershare.

    Does TXNM Energy pay a dividend?

    Yes. TXNM Energy pays a dividend of $0.3275 per share per quarter. The indicated annual dividend rate is $1.31 per share.

    Has TXNM Energy had any stock splits?

    Yes, TXNM Energy common stock had a 3-for 2 stock split on June 11, 2004.

    Who are the financial analysts that follow TXNM Energy?

    Please go to our section entitled Analyst Coverage for a listing of those firms and analysts that cover TXNM Energy.

    Where can I get TXNM Energy SEC Filings?

    Please go to our section entitled SEC Filings.

    Who are the members of TXNM Energy Board of Directors?

    Please visit the section entitled Corporate Governance for listing of board members and biographies.

    What is TXNM Energy fiscal year?

    TXNM Energy's fiscal year is a traditional calendar year

    Do you have another question that hasn't been answered?

    If yes, Contact Us.

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