Resilience and Reliability
Resilience and Reliability
Emergency Preparedness
In 2019, TXNM Energy formed a designated enterprise Crisis Management and Resilience (CMR) function to establish and maintain a capability that plans for and effectively manages rapidly evolving crises that pose a strategic, financial, operational, or reputational threat to TXNM Energy infrastructure, personnel, or customers. This function has evolved over the past several years. Today, qualified staff focus on enterprise-wide emergency management functions, formal training, exercises, cyber security incident response, event alerting, intelligence analysis, external agency collaboration and liaison, and continued development of response plans.
Specifically, the CMR Function develops business continuity plans (BCP) which will mitigate unexpected business disruptive events and their consequences. The team responds to and maintains operational resilience during any emergency impacting operations. Current activities include:
- developing and maintaining business area-specific response and continuity plans, focusing on areas that present unique challenges, such as wildfires, storms, and other severe weather events;
- managing the company cyber security incident response plan to respond to and mitigate cyberattacks;
- exercising infrastructure staff on disaster recovery, and continually strive to improve plans and procedures;
- performing hazard and business impact analysis of our infrastructure based on industry standards, best practices, and a tiered approach focusing on greatest risk to safety, operations, and service reliability;
- managing mass notification system alerting for the enterprise to ensure employees can be immediately communicated to during a major incident or emergency;
- maintaining and operating the PNM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Mobile EOC trailer to manage emergencies effectively.
We measure our reliability and benchmark our performance against other utilities using industry-standard reliability metrics. Below are data for our PNM and TNMP operations.

SAIDI: System Average Interruption Duration Index
SAIFI: System Average Interruption Frequency Index
CAIDI: Customer Average Interruption Duration Index