Safety is a core value at TXNM Energy. Our CEO has ultimate responsibility for safety, with regular oversight and guidance from our Board of Directors. Our President and Chief Operating Officer oversees safety programs with day-to-day management led by the VP of Operations at each business unit. Our Executive Safety Committee consisting of our President and COO, Vice President of Human Resources and Safety, Vice Presidents from our operating areas as well as the Corporate Safety Director who meet monthly to set safety strategy and review progress. Individual operating business units also have general safety committees which meet regularly to ensure safety is a core value and address local concerns. Monthly meetings of all operational leadership provide learning opportunities of previous incidents’ cause and mitigation measures.
Employees are responsible for working safely, and leadership fosters and promotes an environment conducive to learning, improving, and building capacity (safety defenses). Our corporate vision of “everyone goes home safe” reflects the Company’s commitment to reducing risks to the lowest level possible to minimize serious injuries and fatalities. This focus builds upon our safety management system (SMS), a framework consisting of four pillars – policies/procedures, hazard identification/risk management, assurance/compliance, and communication/training.
Overall, the industry has recognized OSHA recordables has decreased over time, but serious injuries and fatalities (SIF) have not, so to address this concern – TXNM Energy has continued to use the safety classification model developed in conjunction with EEI to classify and learn from incidents. This tool provides valuable insight and learning opportunities to prevent SIFs.
The previously conducted employee engagement survey, which had over 80% participation from operation’s employees ranging from union employees to executive management revealed strong safety commitment but also areas of improvement, and initiated behavior-based trainings (SafeEXEC, SafeLEADER, and SafeCREW) by SafeMAP International Consulting for all operating employees. These trainings set the direction and understanding of risks and risk-based behavior. As part of this continuous learning, hazard recognition has been implemented (energy wheel) - an industry recognized best practice. Leadership developed a safety roadmap to further integrate our safety culture into our broader Company culture and drive it toward the industry classification of “Resilient” (see following graphic).

The underlining theme of the safety roadmap is “active safety leadership” compelling leaders to build trust with front-line workers through field engagements. These engagements between operational leadership and front-line are a corporate metric and provide valuable two-way communication and demonstrate leadership is an action and not a position.
TXNM Energy continues to address soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries by continuing our focus on Injury Prevention and Treatment Program (IP&T) and Wellness to assist employees improve mobility, reduce pain and live healthier lifestyles. The IP&T provides a platform based on the three areas of daily muscle and joint care, body positioning and ergonomics.
TXNM Energy is committed to hiring safe contractors. We provide a consistent process for contractor prequalification, selection, performance monitoring, and review of safety, health, and environmental aspects of contractor management. Our contractors are required to have a passing safety grade before being eligible to work for TXNM Energy.