We are committed to reducing and safely managing waste generated through our operations. We have well-established programs that meet environmental regulatory compliance requirements. We perform regular reporting to the regulatory agencies and audit our waste program.
Team Green
Team Green is an employee‐led program, in place since 2007, which has focused on waste diversion at all our facilities. Waste diversion is the practice of diverting waste from landfills, either through recycling or reducing use. Employees at each facility develop programs and practices that make sense for each location. Members meet regularly to share successes, tips and tools with team members at other locations.
Team Green ensures that we meet our annual solid waste reduction goals each year. In 2022, TXNM Energy had 15 facilities meet or exceed a waste diversion rate of 65%. The company’s overall diversion rate in 2022 is 87%. PNM’s recycling efforts resulted in a total of 11,373 tons recycled, 1,208 tons material donated, and 1,015 tons of material re-used for a total of 13,590 tons diverted from the landfills.
Other highlights in 2021 and 2022 include:
- Sponsorship of the New Mexico Recycling Coalition’s annual conference;
- Investment recovery through the sale of reusable materials and equipment as part of PNM’s 2022 exit from the SJGS;
- Participation in the EPA’s Responsible Appliance Disposal Program;
- Addition of a real-time GIS-based dashboard in the Team Green database to see diversion activity for any facility.
PNM began site preparation for a needed substation in Southeast Albuquerque in 2021. The location, a brownfield site, was used for city municipal waste disposal from 1948 to 1965 and subsequent illegal dumping for another 30 years. Throughout 2022 and into 2023, PNM excavated over 185 tons of waste material from the landfill, which predated regulations for pollution control, and relocated it to modern highly controlled facilities. Redevelopment of this site allows buildout of critical infrastructure to meet current reliability needs, support of economic development within the area of need, and the environmental benefit of relocating waste material to a controlled location.

Original Condition of Site Site Ready for a Substation